Transilvania Expres, nr. 3835,

Activitatile la cursuri sunt bazate pe practică, sunt mult mai
uşor de parcurs şi asimilat şi au ata-şate aplicaţii
practice, analize şi simulări de caz, speţe, documentări
online şi discuţii libere, care au un rol important in
fixarea cunoştinţelor”, a menţionat Cristi
Lucan, Director Educaţional, AcademiadeAfaceri.ro

în continuare...
Curs Engleza
pentru Afaceri |
Rating curs:  |
Authorship Associate:
Maria Lazr
Calitate curs: conform rating |
Data limita inscriere: 07 Februarie 2025 |
Pret curs: 520 lei |
curs: 10 module / 12 sptmâni |
V prezentm n
continuare un fragment de aproximativ 10-20 % din coninutul:
1 - Engleza pentru birou
Over the telephone, on the contrary of the common belief
that the person is out of the interlocutory’ sight,
the pitch of the tone, the tone, the fluctuations and
frequency of the sounds influence the person on the other
end of the phone. Therefore, communicate as if the person
were next to you./ La telefon, contrar convingerii comune
c persoana este n
afara câmpului vizual al interlocutorului, volumul
tonului, tonul, fluctuaiile i
frecvena sunetelor influeneaz
persoana de la cellalt
capt al liniei. Prin urmare,
comunicai ca i
când persoana se afl
lang dvs.
1.2.1 Making a Call/A
-to dial/a forma numarul
-engaged tone/ton ocupat
-operator/operatoare(often the first person who answers
in a company)
-direct line/linie direct
-to put on automatic exchange/a face legtura
-to put on through../a redireciona
Hello/Good morning/afternoon/evening/Bun/Bun
My name is…on behalf of …(if the person
doesn’t know your name)/Numele meu este…din
This is (name) from…(if the person knows your name)/La
telefon(nume) de la…
La telefon, formulele de introducere sunt:
-my name is/numele meu este
-this is/la telefon este
-X speaking…/la telefon X(mai putin formal)
Checking on the right
person, department or organization/Verificarea persoanei
corecte, a departamentului sau organizatiei
Is that…Mr./Mrs./Miss/…Department/…Company?(if
the recepient doesn’t have a private line or the
automatic exchange takes place)/Dvs. suntei
interlocutorul nu are o linie privat
sau nu are loc direcionarea
This is – caller vs. Is that – Receiver /
La telefon – persoana care d
telefon vs. Dvs. suntei
– receptor
Asking for an exchange/Cererea
Mrs. …, please. / Cu dna…., v
May I speak to Mrs. …., please? / Pot vorbi cu
dna.…, v rog?
I’d like to speak to…, please./ A
dori s vorbesc cu…,
v rog.
Could you put me through to the marketing department,
please ? / Imi putei
face/da legtura cu departamentul
de marketing, v rog?
Could I speak to someone in charge of customer services,
please? /A putea vorbi
cu cineva care se ocup
de relaiile cu clienii?
Explaining the purpose
of the call
I am calling…/ Sun la…
about/ despre
regarding/ cu privire
in connection with/ n
as a result of/ca rezultat al
to ask you for/s v
intreb despre
to get in touch with /s
iau legtura cu
Leaving a message
Could you take a message to…, please? Se poate
transmite un mesaj pentru …, v
Could you give him/her a message, please? Ii putei
transmite un mesaj, v
If you don’t mind, I would like to leave him/her
a message, please. Dac
nu v deranjeaz,
doresc s i
las un mesaj, v rog.
Could you ask him/her to return my call? Putei
ruga s mi
dea un telefon?
I appreciate this, thank you./Apreciez gestul, multumesc.
You’ve been of real help, thank you./ De un real
folos, multumesc.
You’ve been helpful/kind, thank you./ Ai
fost de folos,/ amabil, multumesc.